How It Works

This is our simple three-step process


Step 1

Book a call with our team

Expect a thorough understanding, not just of your financial situation, but also your financial goals when you book a call with us.


Step 2

Let us devise a Tailored, realistic debt restructuring plan for you.

We don't offer prepackaged solutions. Your financial situation, goals, and dreams are unique and we can create a custom plan to fit.


Step 3

Implement the plan and begin your journey towards sustainable financial freedom.

Finally, begin implementing the plan and start your journey towards financial freedom and see the improvement in your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a debt relief program?

Debt relief is a program or process that helps individuals manage and eventually eliminate their debt. This can involve negotiating with creditors to reduce the overall debt owed, consolidating multiple debts into a single, more manageable payment, or creating a structured payment plan. Debt relief programs aim to provide individuals with a financial solution that can alleviate the stress associated with overwhelming debt and help them regain control of their financial situation.

How long does it take to pay off all my debts with the program?

On average, debt resolution programs take two to four years, depending on the amount deposited in the Dedicated Account. Making regular and timely deposits is essential for success.The more money added to the account, the quicker debts can be settled.

What makes a good candidate for a debt relief program?Most Asked

Debt resolution programs are best suited for individuals who find themselves stuck in a cycle of unmanageable debt. This could include people who are struggling to make minimum payments on credit cards, those with high-interest debt, or individuals facing potential legal action from creditors. It is a particularly beneficial solution for those who have a substantial amount of debt and are looking for a structured plan to alleviate their financial strain. However, it's important to note that each individual's situation is unique and seeking advice from a financial advisor can be beneficial before enrolling in a debt resolution program.

How do I handle calls from collectors?

Creditors hire collectors to collect debts and keep a percentage of the payments. Collection calls are a sign that debt resolution is working! It's advisable to let unknown call numbers go to voicemail, and free apps can be used to block specific calls. Federal and state laws protect against collection harassment. Clients should tell collectors they are working with Rise Up Debt Solutions so that creditors will call us instead.

Will I owe taxes on forgiven debt?

Generally, forgiven debts can be taxable. Those who have had debt forgiven may receive a 1099-C Cancellation of Debt form from the lender. It's best to consult a tax advisor to determine potential tax implications and the specifics of one's situation.

What type of debt can you help me with?

We offer debt resolution services for unsecured debt, such as credit cards, store cards and medical bills. We do not offer debt resolution services for secured debts, such as mortgages, car loans and federal student loans. Clients can get in touch with them to confirm which of their debts are eligible for resolution.

What happens if creditors take legal action against me?

Creditors may take legal action against customers if debts are not paid; legal notices should be sent to the client service team for prioritization. Settlement negotiators may be able to resolve creditor or lender's accounts with payment plans and can provide referrals for further help if necessary. *NOTE: No legal advice is provided by Rise Up Debt Solutions.

How does the program work?

  1. After enrolling in the program, a custom negotiation strategy is created to maximize savings, reduce payments, and settle debt quickly.
  2. A FDIC-insured Dedicated Account is opened to save for funds to pay off creditors.
  3. Negotiators work to get creditors to contact them rather than the enrolled individual.
  4. Once settlement is agreed on and approved, payments are sent from Dedicated Account to creditor.
When payment is complete, debt is considered resolved and services for that debt are done.

How does a debt relief program impact my credit?

Most client credit is being negatively affected by payment history and amounts owed. Debt resolution programs could have a negative impact on one’s credit score, but may be beneficial in the long-term. Our goal is to help clients resolve debt quickly in order to achieve a better financial future and higher credit score.

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